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Strategic research: Professor Lahrichi and Professor Pal principal investigators of two of several IVADO-funded programs

December 17, 2021 - Source : NEWS

Professor Nadia Lahrichi is Principal Investigator of an Institut de valorisation des données - IVADO supported program on human health and secondary use of data. Professor Christopher Pal is Principal Investigator of a program focused on artificial intelligence, biodiversity and climate change.

La professeure Nadia Lahrichi et le professeur Christopher Pal.
Professor Nadia Lahrichi and Professor Christopher Pal.

Thematic Program in Human Health and Secondary Use of Data

In this research program, Full Professor Nadia Lahrichi (Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering and a member of the Interuniversity Research Centre for Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation - CIRRELT), will study new methods to improve the generalization of algorithms that are being developed to support patient care.

This strategic research program will establish a research environment to investigate methods to improve generalization in real-world settings, as well as optimize data streams obtained in real-world care settings for algorithmic research. The research team will also investigate specific issues related to algorithmic generalization and secondary use of medical data, as well as the creation of an open-access dataset that can be used to enhance the program's findings.

In addition to Professor Lahrichi, other program principal investigators are: Associate Professor Michaël Chassé (Department of Medicine - Université de Montréal), and Full Professor An Tang (Department of Radiology, Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Medicine - Université de Montréal). Chassé and Tang are also researchers at the CHUM Research Centre.

Thematic Program in Artificial Intelligence, Biodiversity and Climate Change

In this research program, Full Professor Christopher Pal (Department of Computer and Software Engineering), will focus on the design of new artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to exploit the full potential of remote sensing technologies such as phenocams* and drones. These technologies are used to study plant phenology and biodiversity in great detail at various spatial scales, in order to understand the changing distribution of plant species across entire landscapes as a result of climate change.

* Digital cameras to capture time-lapse images of foliage that can be used to generate quantitative measures of plant phenology.

New AI algorithms will be based on the latest developments in computer vision and meta-learning, in order to map plant species and their phenological signatures. This information will then be delivered to scientific and non-scientific end-users through an active learning platform to be developed within the program. AI research activities will enable researchers and practicing professionals to transform images into usable data on plant biodiversity and phenology.

In addition to Professor Pal, the principal program researchers will be Professor Anne Bruneau and Professor Etienne Laliberté, both of the Department of Biological Sciences in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the Université de Montréal and the Institut de recherche en biologie végétale; Assistant Professor David Rolnick (Faculty of Science School of Computer Science - McGill University, and at the Institut québécois d'intelligence artificielle - Mila), and Associate Professor Oliver Sonnentag (Faculty of Science Department of Geography - Université de Montréal).

The two abovementioned thematic policy research programs that Professor Lahrichi and Professor Pal are participating in are supported by IVADO's Policy Research Funding Program, which ranges from one to two million dollars. Five themes were selected from 48, which were proposed by IVADO ecosystem members during a consultation. The five strategic research programs that have been established will receive a total of $6 million in funding from IVADO.

Congratulations to Professor Lahrichi and Professor Pal!

Learn more

Professor Nadia Lahrichi expertise
Professor Christopher Pal expertise
Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering website (In French)
Department de Computer and Software Engineering website (In French)
IVADO strategic research program descriptions (In French)
IVADO website

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